The Department of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery of Dr.PSIMS & RF is conducting a one day CME Programme on “NEWER ENT PERSPECTIVES” for the postgraduates and junior residents on 10th June 2018.

The Speakers are


1)Dr.Mohan Kameshwaran, Chennai

2)Dr. Vijay Krishnan, Chennai

3)Dr.Madan Kapre, Nagpur

4)Dr.Anisban Biswar, Kolkata

5)Dr.(Brig) Ajit Neelakantan, AFMC

6)Dr.Arun Agarwal, New Delhi

7)Dr.T.Satish Chandra, Professor, Dr.PSIMS & RF, Vijayawada.


The AndhraPradesh Medical Council has awarded 2 credit hours for the CME.

Registration is Mandatory and is free.


All the Principal’s are requested to depute ENT Post Graduates and Consultants for this CME Programme.


Principal & Professor of ENT,