We welcome voluntary body donations and we appreciate the noble gesture of body donors. We vouch safe that we utilise the bodies for educating the medical students in our endeavour to contribute good doctors for the wellbeing of the society

Documents to be submitted while donating body:

  • Death declaration letter by a qualified Medical Practitioner
  • Legible hand written letter  of donation signed by legal heirs and signed by 2 witnesses
  • Aadhar xerox of deceased and signatories of the above letter.

Information regarding body donations:

Donations of bodies with following conditions shall be avoided in view of utility by medical students and research purpose:

  • Cancer Patients
  • Severe bedsores
  • Death due to communicable diseases
  • Partially decomposed /Mutilated/recently amputated/HIV/Hepatitis A,B.
  • The body has to be kept in freezer box till it is handed over to our people.

Body Donation Form