Department of Dermatology and Venereology


The Department of Dermatology provides full clinical, surgical and cosmetic dermatologic/Venereological services.

Missions of the Department of Dermatology are:


  1. Patient Care. The highest quality Clinical and surgical care for Sexually Transmitted Infections, diseases of the skin, hair and nails are provided in modern facilities by our excellent Faculty.
  2. Education. Interns and medical students are trained in the latest skills and knowledge of dermatology in order to provide patients with quality care.
  3. Research. The department actively conducts “state-of-the-art” basic and clinical skin disease research to advance scientific knowledge, in order to provide better care for our patients.

To make a clinic appointment, or to refer a patient: Call 08676 – 257311 / 257313 Extn – 173

Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Saturday


Services offered-  OP & IP services, Radiofrequency & cautery for removal of warts, skin tags, PUVA therapy, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, dermarollers for treatment of post acne, pigmentation & scars, unwanted hair removal, PRP therapy for hair growth and acne scars

Speciality clinic                                STD’s, Leprosy, Contact dermatitis, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Autoimmune diseases


Elector cautery machine with Radio frequency


Iontophoresis machine

Surgical laser (Model (Ultra Plus)) for hair removal, pigmentation, Acne& vascular lesions


Chemical peels – Glycolic acid, TCA


PUVA chamber

Cryotherapy unit

Microscopes – dark field & light microscope

Magnavision (Dermavision)

Disposable biopsy punches

Instruments for Punch grafting, Nail avulsion, comedone & Mc extractors, Woods lamp

