Dept of Ent and Head and Neck Surgery

Equipment – equipped with all the state of art equipment for performing ear, nose and laryngeal surgeries.

Storz endoscopic unit

Operating microscope with beam splitter for teaching students

Fibre optic laryngoscope

Pta impedance

Mls set

Well trained and experienced teaching faculty – apart from routine otolaryngology procedures regular work is going on in head and neck area and skull base surgeries.

Head and neck oncology work, phonosurgery, rhinoplasty, and work on laryngotracheal stenosis is an additional mile stone to department.

Regular presentations in conferences, academic work, case series guidance.

Services Offered


Specialty Clinics

Monday – Otology related

Tuesday- Rhino logy related

Wednesday –Cancer related

Friday –Vertigo related


Conduction of CME‘s and Work Shops.



  1. Fully equipped operation theatre with LEACA Micro Scope
  2. Micro debrider + Endoscopic skull base drill strikers system
  3. HD Stricker endoscopic unit
  4. Full Fledged equipment for micro ear surgeries, endoscopic surgeries, micro laryngeal surgeries, apart from the routine Ent procedures
  5. OPD endoscopic facilities for ENT Examinations
  6. Full Fledged temporal bone dissection lab for high skilled training
  7. Fibre optic laryngo scopy OPD diagnostic purpose.
  8. Air conditioned seminar hall for conduction of seminars / meetings to accommodate  50 participants
  9. Fully equipped departmental library
  10. Computers, audio visual aids etc.