A national workshop entitled” Interdisciplinary Translational Research in Pursuit of Better Healthcare” was held on 24th and 25th April 2019. The theme of the workshop was Ultimate Goal-Research Translation to Health. It was organized by Siddhartha Academy of General & Technical Education (SAGTE), under the aegis of Siddhartha Colleges Innovative Endeavor Center of Excellence (SCIENCE), Medical Council of India and Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences. Dr.G N Rao, Founder Chair, L V Prasad Eye Institute graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Dr.C V Rao Honorable Vice Chancellor of Dr.NTR UHS was the guest of honor.

It brought high profile luminaries, directly or indirectly involved in Interdisciplinary Health Research under one umbrella. The resource faculty belonging to different disciplines (Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Pharmacy etc) shared their experience and expertise with the participants. This workshop also provided a unique opportunity to the delegates to showcase the research achievements of their respective institutions.

The Andhra Pradesh Medical Council awarded 4 credit hours to delegates and 6 credit hours to resource faculty participating in this workshop. There were 11 guest speakers (one international from USA and 10 National), and the topics delivered by them are appended. This workshop was attended by 135 participants (92 from other places/ colleges and 43 from Dr.PSIMS & RF).

The deliberations (lecturers and interactive sessions) of this workshop significantly contributed to the existing knowledge in biomedical research for the ultimate benefits of the community. Further, the workshop also infused enthusiasm in the delegates to undertake interdisciplinary and collaborative research activities.


Foreign Faculty:

S.No Name, Designation and Affiliation Topic


Dr.Cherukuri Murali Krishna, Senior Investigator, Head-Biophysics Section, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health (NIH) USA. Immunotherapy in Cancer

Indian Faculty:

S.No Name, Designation and Affiliation Topic


Dr.R Hemalatha, Scientist’G’ & Director, NIN,Hyderabad Multidisciplinary Research to achieve Health Goals
2 Dr.Vijaya Lakshmi Venkatesan, Scientist’G’ & HOD stem cell biology, NIN,Hyderabad Transitional Research and stem cell Therapy
3 Dr.Reeta Resaily ,

Scientist ‘F’,

ICMR, New Delhi

1. How to write a research proposal? &

2. Research projects and funding agencies with special reference to translational research.

4 Dr.Roli Mathur, Scientist ‘F’ & Head ICMR Bioethics Unit, Bangalore. ICMR initiatives in Ethics & National Ethical Guidelines for biomedical and health research.
5 Dr.Sanjay Zodpey, Director-IIP Vice President (PHFI), President-IAPSM, New Delhi. Deciphering and applying research evidence in public health decision making.
6 Dr.P S N Murthy Principal, Dr.PSIMS& RF, Chinnaavutapally Digital Health Intervention
7 Dr.U Satyanarayana, Research (Director), Dr.PSIMS & RF, Chinnaavutapally. Genetic Engineering in Human Healthcare
8 Dr.S.Bhavana, Assoc.Prof. of OMR Drs.S&NR SIDS, Chinnaavutapally Translational Research in oral medicine-A hypothetical quest for the next frontier in dental practice.
9 Dr.Buchi Naidu, Director PG Studies, KVSRCP,Vijayawada Micro needle based drug delivery-from bench to bed side.
10 Dr.A Haritha, Assoc.Prof of PVPSIT, Vijayawada Mobile Apps for Digitalized diagnosis.