Dr.Paladugu Ramesh and Dr.B.Anil Kumar A guest lecture is arranged by the General Surgery Department of our college today i.e., on 15th October 2019 at 09:00 AM. Dr.Ramesh Paladugu,MD,Vascular Surgery of Tescas Vascular & Vein Centre, Dallas Fortworth, USA delivered the lecture on “UPDATE IN VASCULAR & ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY”. All the Postgraduates of Genearal Surgery […]

Department of Paediatric Surgery

The department of Paediatric Surgery under the stewardship of Dr.G.V.S.N.Prasad is doing  immense job in correcting the congenital disorders like “Hip Dysplasia”, “Post Polio Deformities” & “Paediatric Back ache”  and there by giving new life to the children. The department is also doing a great job in treating paediatric accident cases like “Club Foot, Foot […]

Vision Statement

Our Vision Statement is To provide the best of evidence based medical care to patients in an ethical and compassionate environment. To create a vibrant culture of scientific spirit and produce cutting edge research output To train students in evidence based medicine, rooted in ethics and empathy.